martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

Adornación of national holidays

October 28, 2013

Today we send a suitcase of documents for validation of some students and also send students exit the venue.

After decorating the university started the patriotic days.

bookcase arrangement

October 25, 2013

Ardenar arrange a bookcase for some jobs than students and each student revised to q due to take free labor.

Printing jobs to give them a teacher and study guides needed to bend some wor

bookseller's termination settlement

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

Settlement of bills and preparation sheet folder

October 24, 2013

Today I started with the sheet and then sort bills pass that information to the computer to print and bring this bill ordered all coordinator Professor Rafael Aviles.

Then we made a folder to record Meteti student groups, and Yaviza Zapallal that are attending the English course of the Embassy of the United States.

This folder contains the record of attendance, refreshments and per diem of students in each group.

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

Meeting with the coordinator and order forms.

October 23, 2013.

Today we had a meeting with the coordinator of the visit based on review of the CTF (TECHNICAL COMMITTEE OF SUPERVISION) we had on Friday and Saturday.

Then I went to order all forms of class teachers according to race each date by date.

Also ordered a card students attending college, and copy some students punuloso school.

miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

Images of the University ISAE practice

Nursing room inventory and inventory of entry and exit of the venue.

October 22, 2013

Today I went to the living room to see q nursing clutched in inventory missing for the following:

two alcohols

2 packets of panadol

2 packages of aspirin

1 package of sanitary napkin

Then I went to check the bill to know purchased for the sort of snack bars until suffers previous date and then take stock of exit and entry to the venue for the snack bars.

martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

    Review and room arrangement guide, student module and inventory of office supplies.

Today October 21, 2013.

Today I started to review the module and guide students by subject and take the special lounge of these module and guide to fix it by degree, technical, graduate and faculty.

Then I went to deposit room to see that missing office supplies grabbing the seat and then take inventory of all that, we also scanned some documents of some teachers and make a copy of several student papers.

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

                                      Listing ISAE University books

Today we finished filing all records of all students and put ISAE seal all records.

Also today some brochures make copies missing, then sent me to the library to make a list of all the books that are ordered as follows:

Literary works had 128 books
Spanish had 19 books
Ecology had 16 books
Education had 56 books
Literature had 30 books
History had 16 books
Eciclopedias had 28
English had 17 books
Dictionaries had 29
Research had 3 books
Tourism had 4 books
Computers had 6 books
Economy had 4 books

             Make copies, order portfolio career resolutions and review and sort records.

Today I started taking some copies about punuloso school students, then dismantle a mural of the races offers resolutions in the headquarters of the ISAE.

To then get three hard copies of each of the races and then sort by faculties on three portfolio to give to the teacher coordinator Rafael Aviles.

then I went to check and sort the records of teachers and students in alphabetical order and also to see what document he neede

                   Inventory of equipment and termination of employees

Today I did another inventory of the other team that has ISAE host university such as printers, tape recorders, telephones, video conferencing equipment and other
Then I went to install the video conferencing equipment by the coordinator had conference with other college venues ISAE.

At the end of the day I made a settlement form five of the workers building a sports field at headquarters and also remove some copies of some school students punuloso.

                                Inspection and inventory computer rooms

On my first day of practice did an inspection in the halls of college ISAE computer to see how many had each classroom computers.

In the first room of brand computers computer had 20 HP and second computer room had 20 ANLIX brand computers.
And then see what damage had each team, see that mark was, the plate number they had and then I did an inventory of what is missing or what was damaged equipment.

He also sent me to the library to do another inventory of projectors to see how many had to describe your brand, number of each.

viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013


  Full name: Amed Cubilla
                                                                                                         Personal information
Full name: Taylor Cubilla Amed
Date and place of birth: June 16, 1994
Address of residence: Meteti
Security Number: 004-006-000000859-0000001
Personal Identification Number: 8-900-1812
Contact numbers: 65416052
Email address:

Objectives as a professional: My objective is to achieve a professional level of a degree in English and able to work in companies.
My primary studies in school do Anayansi
My pre-secondary studies performed at the Marco Alarcon CEBG Palomino
Study in I.P.T. Marco Alarcon Palomino, I'm in 12th B, specializing in trade

Courses held
 English Course in ISAE
Language skills