viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013


  Full name: Amed Cubilla
                                                                                                         Personal information
Full name: Taylor Cubilla Amed
Date and place of birth: June 16, 1994
Address of residence: Meteti
Security Number: 004-006-000000859-0000001
Personal Identification Number: 8-900-1812
Contact numbers: 65416052
Email address:

Objectives as a professional: My objective is to achieve a professional level of a degree in English and able to work in companies.
My primary studies in school do Anayansi
My pre-secondary studies performed at the Marco Alarcon CEBG Palomino
Study in I.P.T. Marco Alarcon Palomino, I'm in 12th B, specializing in trade

Courses held
 English Course in ISAE
Language skills

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